Intern/Master student (m/f/d) with focus on storage and hydrogen

ABO Wind • Wiesbaden

  • Part-time


from today

Arbeite mit uns an einer zukunftsfähigen Energieversorgung!

Wir machen Erneuerbare aus Überzeugung: ABO Wind plant und errichtet weltweit Wind- und Solarparks, sowie Batterie- und Wasserstoffprojekte. Seit 25 Jahren bieten die hausinternen Fachabteilungen von ABO Wind alles aus einer Hand: von der Standortbegutachtung, Planung, Genehmigung und Finanzierung bis hin zu Errichtung, Netzanschluss, Betriebsführung und Service. Eine lebenswerte Zukunft für nachfolgende Generationen zu sichern, treibt uns als übergeordnetes Ziel an. Erneuerbare sind unsere DNA.

Praktikant / Bachelorand / Masterand (m/w/d) mit Schwerpunkt Speicher und Wasserstoff

Deine Leidenschaft – Du...

  • unterstützt bei der Analyse, Bewertung und Entwicklung von Energiespeicherprojekten
  • führst Recherchen zu potenziellen Verbrauchern von grünem Wasserstoff durch
  • bewertest energiewirtschaftliche und gesetzliche Rahmenbedingungen
  • modellierst Energiespeicher und hybride Energiesysteme

Deine Qualifikation – Du...

  • studierst Ingenieurwissenschaften, angewandte Informatik, Umweltgeografie oder Vergleichbares
  • verfügst über GIS-Kenntnisse, möglichst AutoCAD-Map und/oder QGIS
  • beherrschst MS Office
  • hast eine schnelle Auffassungsgabe und arbeitest selbständig
  • interessierst dich für erneuerbare Energien
  • sprichst verhandlungssicheres Deutsch

Du erfüllst nicht alle Qualifikationen?

Bei ABO Wind setzen wir uns für die Schaffung eines vielfältigen, integrativen und authentischen Arbeitsplatzes ein. Wenn du dich also für eine Stelle interessierst, bewirb dich - auch wenn deine bisherige Berufserfahrung nicht allen Qualifikationen entspricht. Du könntest genau der richtige Bewerber für diese oder eine andere Position sein!

Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung über unser Online-Formular!

Ich habe die Datenschutzerklärung gelesen und stimme der Verwendung meiner Daten zu den aufgeführten Zwecken zu. Mir ist bewusst, dass ich diese Einwilligung jederzeit widerrufen kann. Im Falle einer Ablehnung für die ausgeschriebene Stelle bin ich damit einverstanden, dass meine Bewerberdaten ggf. auch anderen interessierten Fachabteilungen zur Verfügung gestellt werden können. Die fett markierten Felder sind Pflichtangaben.
Karl-Heinz Stephan

Karl-Heinz Stephan

Team Lead Recruiting & Personal Marketing

Good reasons for joining ABO Wind

We are a dynamic company and rely on appreciation and trust. The work at ABO Wind is not defined by hierarchies, but by competencies and the common will to successfully contribute to the global clean energy transition.

13th month salary

28 Days Leave

Continuing Training and Enablement

Gym Membership

Employees Events

Flexible Working Hours

Hybrid Work

Kitchens with free coffee and tea

Private Medical Insurance

Workplace Pension Available

Working at ABO Wind


Personal meetings and exchange strengthen our project work and cohesion, but mobile working has also proven its worth. We generally offer a mix of presential work and mobile work from home, from abroad or in one of our decentralised office hubs. 

We focus on transparency, fairness, and openness: our Development teams are in constant, trustful exchange with communities, landowners and authorities. They also inform residents about the progress of our projects. 

Regular company and team outings as well as free language courses strengthen the friendly atmosphere. By signing up for the “Egym Wellpass” program, employees of our German parent company can use fitness and yoga studios, swimming pools, climbing gyms and much more at low cost. 

Our construction and project managers are regularly on site at the locations of our renewable energy projects.

Every three years, the entire ABO Wind workforce from 16 countries comes together for the "Global Meeting", where, in addition to training courses, top-class guest lectures and networking, celebrating and fun are also on the agenda.

Our colleagues also show their best side on the dance floor. Our Christmas parties or the parties at the Global Meeting are legendary. Many colleagues also get together in their free time - for example, for rock climbing, playing football or card games.

Mutual respect and trust characterise the work at ABO Wind. The friendly company spirit can be felt in the corridors and in the common rooms, where many meet at lunchtime to cook and eat together.

Working at ABO Wind is characterised by adequate pay, friendly cooperation, opportunities for continuous training, freedom for professional development and working hours that allow for a fulfilling family life. Training courses on a wide range of topics are held regularly. Internal and external speakers shed light on current developments and special topics.

At ABO Wind, people with diverse cultural backgrounds, skills and world views work together. The diversity of our employees and the good relationships with our partners, suppliers and other institutions are fundamental to our success. We see the diversity of our workforce as a real strength and enrichment - and celebrate it together, as here at the country fair during the Global Meeting 2022.

Working at ABO Wind

Our employees are enthusiastic about renewable energies. Contributing to climate protection and the development of a sustainable energy supply is a big motivator to us. We put great value on a friendly and open work culture, where each one of us is committed to the success of our projects. Personal responsibility and accountability are more important to us than status symbols.

Committed Employees and Flexible Processes

Committed Employees and Flexible Processes

Our colleagues not only feel responsible for their own tasks, but also keep the company’s wellbeing in mind. This entrepreneurial mindset means that we are constantly improving our work processes – regardless of responsibilities – and adapting them to changing requirements.

Interdisciplinary Work

Central work is carried out in interdisciplinary project groups in which planners, business experts, electrical and civil engineers jointly consider how best to implement our wind, storage, and solar projects. The work is not defined by hierarchies, but by competencies and the common will to successfully contribute to the clean energy transition.

Interdisciplinary Work